andvitni (ON) noun

Norwegian law allowed contradictory testimony in a number of cases, such as, e.g., matters related to inheritance (GuL ch. 127). On the other hand, it was forbidden in such cases as home summons witness, witness to summons to the assembly, witness to a demand for surrender of odal land, and witnesses to quarrels at drinking-parties (GuL chs 59, 60, 268). The purpose of counter-witnesses was to show that the allegation of the opposite party was not true and therefore to make his (or her) witnesses appear as false witnesses. Iceland law (Grg) was more restrictive. A panel verdict at odds with testimony offered by witnesses, or testimony at odds with a verdict (testimony had to precede panel verdict in the procedure) was inadmissible contrary testimony and subject to penalty.

contradictory evidence OIce Þfb 4
contrary testimony OIce Grg Þsþ 37
OIce Js Kab 2
ONorw MLL Þfb 5 Lb 8 Kab 2

counter-witness ONorw GuL Løb, Mhb
counter-witnessing OIce Kab 2 Refs:

KLNM s.v. vitne; Laws of Early Iceland I, 243

  • ‘andvitni’. A Lexicon of Medieval Nordic Law.
