vigh (OSw) vigh (ODan) vig (OGu) víg (ON) noun

A common term for combat or killing/homicide, especially in the Icelandic in Norwegian laws. Equivalent to ODan and OSw drap (q.v.). Used in contrast to morþ/morð ‘murder’.

battle OGu GL A 20
OSw UL Äb, Add. 2

fight ODan JyL 2
OIce Mah 7
OSw ÄVgL Urb

fighting OSw HL Äb
force OSw HL Rb
killing OIce Grg Þsþ 25 Vís 86, 87 Ómb 143 Misc 238
OIce Mah 8, 9
OIce Js Mah 11, 14
ONorw FrL KrbA 10 Mhb 5
ONorw GuL Mhb
OSw YVgL Drb

manslaughter/homicide OSw ÄVgL Md

vigh ok værn (OSw)

force of arms OSw KrL Tb UL Mb VmL Mb, Rb

vigh ok væria (OSw)

fighting and defence OSw MEL Tb


CV s.v. víg; Fritzner s.v. víg; GAO s.v. Totschlag; Hertzberg s.v. víg; Maček 2009; Riisøy 2014; von See 1964, 21−22

  • ‘vigh’. A Lexicon of Medieval Nordic Law.
