æng (OSw) æng (ODan) engi (OGu) eng (ON) engi (ON) ængi (OSw) noun

Refers to enclosed open land, which was not cultivated but, most often, cleared of trees and stone, and where hay was harvested. After the harvest, the meadow as well as any cultivated field lying fallow were used for grazing, and thus became fertilized to some extent. In Norway, a farm might lack arable land (ON akr, see aker) but never eng. The æng was an asset not included in the common village land, but was treated as private property.

Both cultivated fields and meadows would be enclosed with stone walls or wooden fences as shown by the many rules about enclosures in the laws (ODan SkL, JyL 3; OSw DL Bb, HL Blb; SdmL Jb; YVgL Utgb; ÄVgL Föb). These rules may also reveal information about the different farming systems — one-field system, two-field system, and three-field system (Dan envangs- tovangs- and trevangsbrug) — that were used in different areas. See Appendix B.

hay OSw ÄVgL Jb
meadow ODan JyL 2, 3
ODan SkKL 3
ODan SkL 75, 76, 168, 169, 174, 179, 186, 187, 213, 214
ODan VSjL 79, 80
OGu GL A 3, 27
ONorw GuL Krb, Llb, Tfb, Olb, Leb
OSw ÄVgL Äb, Jb, Kva, Fös, Föb
OSw DL Kkb, Bb, Rb
OSw HL Mb, Blb
OSw KrL Bb Eb SmbI
OSw MEL Bb Eb SmbI
OSw ÖgL Kkb, Eb, Vm, Bb
OSw SdmL Kkb, Jb, Bb
OSw SmL Kkb
OSw UL Jb, Blb
OSw VmL Kkb, Jb, Bb
OSw YVgL Kkb, Äb, Jb, Kvab, Föb, Utgb

meadowland ODan JyL 1
OIce Grg Klþ 2 Þsþ 48, 62 Feþ 164, 166 Lbþ 174, 175 Fjl 222 Hrs 234
OIce Mah 2 Lbb 4, 6 Llb 2, 3 Fml 27
OIce Js Mah 11 Lbb 2, 11
OIce KRA 11
ONorw BorgL 14.5
ONorw EidsL 11.5
ONorw FrL Intr 18 Leb 26 LlbA 2 Bvb 5

pastureland OSw MEL Bb

enka æng (OSw)

separate meadow OSw YVgL Äb


CV s.v. eng; KLNM s.v.v. eng, odlingssystem (with further refs); ängsskötsel; ONP s.v.v. eng, engi; Schlyter s.v. æng

  • ‘æng’. A Lexicon of Medieval Nordic Law.

  • http://www.dhi.ac.uk/lmnl/nordicheadword/displayPage/6092