Monastic Life

The initial ‘Q’ from the Moralia in Job depicts a Cistercian monk reaping corn [Dijon, MS 170 f. 75v] © Bibliotheque Municipale, Dijon

The Cistercian life was renowned for its severity. The monks observed the ideals of poverty and simplicity, wearing habits of undyed wool; they even refused to wear breeches except when travelling. The Cistercians followed a frugal diet. At first meat was forbidden to all but the sick and weak, and luxury ingredients such as pepper and cumin were discouraged. Manual labour had been all but abandoned by the Benedictine monks but the Cistercians were adamant that this should be made once more an integral part of monastic life. A period was set aside each day for work and at harvest time the monks joined the lay-brothers to labour in the fields.

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