7.4. Search results


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Here we can see a search for all the times when people have said that they watch films on Boxing Day. Three results are returned.

Note that there are two types of sources returned: interviews and a response from a focus group.

Note that we can use the filters in the margins, termed facets, to refine the results further. Okay, so we only have three results here; facets are more useful when the result set is large. However, thanks to the ontology, we are able to see qualities in these three results which are not evident from the result text snippets, such as age, gender and disability. This is information we know about the real people in the real world, even though this is not present in the sources.

Finally, note that the ontology enables us to present a relevant text snippet for each search result. This is possible because the ontology includes entities, attributes and relationships that conceptualise time and film-watching, and because when we created the data we encoded this part of the source using this part of the ontology.

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