Candide Kirk | Novellic

Candide Kirk is the founder of Novellic (, the mobile app for readers where users can join book clubs, track reading goals, manage their bookshelves, and receive personal recommendations from a community of fellow book lovers. Candide is also the co-founder of Quirkat, a video game development studio with over 20 years of experience in digital product design and production. With her expertise in digital distribution and platform discoverability, Candide is bringing best practices from the video game industry to the digital publishing world to enhance readers’ experiences.

Candide has published articles in The Bookseller and Digital Book World and was a finalist for the Digital Innovation Award at the 2017 London Book Fair. She has designed and led development of over 20 published games, including the TIGA Awards finalist “Pro Foosball”band 9.5/10 rated “WordBlocked”.

With her extensive experience in designing and leading the development of published and self-published games, Candide is a leading voice in the digital publishing industry. Connect with Candide through her Twitter @candidequirk or through Novellic at