Jessica Symons | Visioning Lab

Visioning Lab ( is run by Dr Jessica Symons and her team working with a wide network of advisors, artists, technologists, producers and engagers.

Dr Jessica Symons set up Visioning Lab to help people develop their creative digital potential, bringing 25 years of digital and social entrepreneurship and 10 years as an anthropologist.

Jessica is interested in transformative practices and how emerging technologies impact on social and environmental dynamics.

She is an anthropologist and creative digital consultant with over 25 years experience across public, private and third sectors, as a researcher in the University of Manchester and as an IT consultant in large multinationals, SMEs and startups.

“Most of all, I like making stuff up. Show me a blank page, project, city and I’ll fill it with something amazing”

Jessica speaks at conferences and public events in the UK and internationally on how to engage communities in understanding their creative potential and how to shape the development of emerging technologies for sustainable and social purposes.