The James Madison Carpenter Collection Online Catalogue

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Item Summary

Folder 25 : Scottish Ballads ? C

Intellectual Items

Glesca Green [song text] Wm Mathieson (contributor), Denhead, Dunlugas
Glesga Green [song text]
Go and Leave Me [song text] Wm Mathieson (contributor), Denhead, Dunlugas
The Golden Glove [song text] Mrs Pirie (contributor), Kirkside
Green Broom [song text] English County Songs (contributor)
Green Broome [song text] S. Baring Gould, Songs of the West (1889)
Green Broome [song text] Journal of the Folk-Song Society (1889)
Green Plaid [song text]
Green Plaid [song text] Elsie Milne (contributor), The Cottage, Kinnethmont
Hach Aye My Johnnie Lad [song text] Miss Bell Duncan (contributor)
Hoch Hey Johnny Lad [song text] Duncan, MS Mrs G. (contributor)
Och Hey Johnny Lad [song text] Robert Tannahill, Poems and Songs (1774-1810????)
Half Past Ten [song text]
The Hankie [song text] Wm Mathieson (contributor), Denhead, Dunlugas
Hash oh Drumdelgie [song text]
The Hash o Drumdelgie [song text] Mrs Pirie (contributor), Kirkside
The Hash o Drumdelgie [song text] Wm Mathieson (contributor), Denhead, Dunlugas
Has Yer Mither Ony Mair Like You [song text] Wm Mathieson (contributor), Denhead, Dunlugas
Hatton Woods [song text] A. H. Campbell (contributor), Hassie Wells
Hatton Woods [song text] William Mathieson (contributor), Denhead, Dunlugas
The Hare [song text]
Herd II [song text]
The Hielan Man [song text] Mr Alexander Campbell (contributor)
The Highland Maid [song text] Miss Mary Campbell (contributor), Hassie Wells
The High Notes o Bangor [song text] Wm Mathieson (contributor), Denhead, Dunlugas
High Notes oh Bangor [song text]
Hierman Chiel [song text] W. C. Cruickshank (contributor), Corten Gardens, Lonmay
The Hireman Chiel [song text] Mrs William Duncan (contributor), Tories, Oyne
The Hireman Chiel [song text] Miss Bell Duncan (contributor), Lambhill
Hierman Chiel [song text] Mrs Rettie (contributor)
Hireman Chiel [song text] William Mathieson (contributor), Denhead, Dunlugas
The House o Glenneuk [song text] William Mathieson (contributor), Denhead, Dunlugas
The House o Gleneuk [song text] Miss Bell Duncan (contributor), Lambhill
I Had a Hennie [song text] Gavin Greig, Folk-Song of the North-East () F. R. Brown (contributor), Paisley
I'll Hang My Harp [song text] Miss Bell Duncan (contributor), Lambhill
I'm a Poor Stranger [song text] Miss Bell Duncan (contributor), Lambhill, by Insch
The Irish Girl [song text] William Mathieson (contributor), Denhead, Dunlugas
Bonnie Irish Boy [song text] William Mathieson (contributor), Denhead, Dunlugas
Bonny Irish Boy [song text] Miss Mary Campbell (contributor)
It Wasna My Fortune to Get Her [song text]
Jock Hawk [song text] Mrs William Duncan (contributor), Tories, Oyne
Jock Hawk [song text]
Jock Hawk's Adventures in Glasgow [song text] A. B. Campbell (contributor), Hassie Wells
Jack Monroe [song text] Mr Alex McDonald (contributor), Dalhalvaig, Halladale, Southerlandshire
Jackson's Jean [song text] Bell Duncan (contributor)
Miss Bell Robertson's Note on James the Rose [note] Gavin Greig, Folk-Song of the North-East Bell Robertson (author)
Jamie Raeburn's Farewell [song text]
Johnnie Bruce oh the Fornet [song text]
The Jolly Broom Man: or the Unhappy Bot Turn'd Thrifty [song text] Thos. D'Urfey, Wit and Mirth: Pills to Purge Melancholy (1720)
Jolly Ploughman [song text]
Jolly Plooboy [song text] Wm Still (contributor), Waterside, Cuminestown
John Bruce o the Fornet [song text] Wm Mathieson (contributor), Denhead, Dunlugas
John Gunn [song text] Alexander Troup (contributor)
Johnnie's Nae a Gentleman [song text] Duncan, MS Mrs G. (contributor), 1905
Johnnie Raw [song text] Mrs Pirie (contributor), Kirkside
Johnny Sangster [song text] Wm Farquhar (contributor)
Johnnie's Got His Jean [song text] Miss Bell Duncan (contributor), Lambhill
Kail Pot and Ladle [song text] Miss Bell Duncan (contributor), Lambhill, by Insch
Kail Pot and Ladle [song text] Gordon McBain (contributor), Aldivalloch, the Cabrach, by Huntly
Kiltie Braes [song text] Miss Bell Duncan (contributor)
The Parks o Kilty [song text] John Riddock (contributor)
The Roving Laird o Kelty [song text] Elsie Milne (contributor)

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