The James Madison Carpenter Collection Online Catalogue

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Item Summary

Folder 173 : Music Manuscripts - I

Scope and Content Notes

The Ditson Music Writing Book. Front cover with handwritten notes by Carpenter forms p. 11932. Inside front cover with printed 'Rudiments of Harmony' forms p. 11933, continued on inside back cover on p. 11982. Contains music transcriptions, mostly without titles but with song text underlay. Back cover forms p. 11983

Intellectual Items

first line: Rise up, rise up, my seven sons so bold [music notation] [song text] [Wm Walker] (contributor)
first line: Twa courted lovers lived in a bowr [music notation] [song text] [William Walker] (contributor)
first line: Her hair been three quarters long [music notation] [song text]
first line: Last night the Queen had four Maries [music notation] [song text]
first line: At Mil o Tiftie lived a man [music notation] [song text] Wm Walker (contributor)
Laird o Drum [music notation] [song text] Mrs Jessie Davidson (contributor)
first line: Wie my ain bonnie Annie [music notation] [song text]
Young Allan [music notation] [song text]
first line: She cried [illegible] [music notation] [song text]
Beggar Laddie [music notation] [song text]
first line: Lord William was buried in St Masry's choir [music notation] [song text]
first line: On this bonnie lassie her mother did smile [music notation] [song text] [Mrs Jessie Davidson] (contributor)
first line: It happed on a day on a bonie [illegible] day [music notation] [song text]
first line: Last night there were four Marys [music notation] [song text]
first line: He'd[?] wander rund about the toon [music notation] [song text]
first line: You'll get a ladder neatly made [music notation] [song text]
first line: As I was a-walking early one day [music notation] [song text] [Alex Brown] (contributor)
first line: Ye'll mak unto me a Cameron shirt [music notation] [song text] Alex Brown (contributor)
first line: The Laird o Drum a-huntin went [music notation] [song text]
first line: Lord Brichen was a noble lord [music notation] [song text]
first line: Lord Brichen was as brave a lard [music notation] [song text]
first line: Bonnie May went oot one day [music notation] [song text]
first line: There was a jolly beggar [music notation] [song text]
first line: Lord Bateman was a noble lord [music notation] [song text]
first line: It fell on a day on a bon[n]ie sum[m]er day [music notation] [song text] Clark (contributor)
first line: O would ye fancy a gentleman [music notation] [song text]
first line: A trooper lad came here last night [music notation] [song text] Clark (contributor)
first line: I'm gaun tae sing you a song [music notation] [song text]
first line: She wadna bake an she wadna brew [music notation] [song text]
first line: I'm goin to sing you a song [music notation] [song text]
incipit: Talmige Knight [note]
first line: They foucht[?] on an they focht on [music notation] [song text] Alex Step[?] (contributor)
first line: As I cam ower yon bonnie high hill [music notation] [song text] [Alex Stephens] (contributor)
first line: Oot then spak the ald man himsel [music notation] [song text]
first line: I wager, I wager wie you, fair maid [music notation] [song text] Jean Ezzlemont (contributor)
first line: Bonnie Mary tae the yow buchts has gone [music notation] [song text] Jean Ezzlemont (contributor)
first line: O aye bon[n]ie May tae the yow buchts his gane [music notation] [song text] Stephens (contributor)
first line: As I cam in by the Duke o Athole's gate [music notation] [song text]
first line: Young Allan he grat and he wrang his hands [music notation] [song text]
first line: O got ye it by sea or got ye it by land [music notation] [song text] [Alex Stephens] (contributor)
first line: Some ca me this and some ca me that [music notation] [song text]
first line: As I cam in by Fitter near[?] [music notation] [song text]
first line: Twas in the year [illegible] hundred and one [music notation] [song text] Stephens (contributor)
first line: Where have you been, Lord Randle, my son [music notation] [song text] Mrs T. Durward (contributor)
first line: There was a lady lived into York [music notation] [song text] [Mrs T. Durward] (contributor)
first line: The Laird o Drum gaed oot tae hunt [music notation] [song text]
There wis a lady frae the North [music notation] [song text]
first line: You must make me a cambric shirt [music notation] [song text] [Mrs T. Durward (contributor)
first line: There were twa sisters, they lived in a ha [music notation] [song text] Durward (contributor)
Lord Gregor [music notation] [song text] Clark (contributor)
first line: Come rattle me, tattle me, mother, he says [music notation] [song text]
first line: My mother she bred me far far fae home [music notation] [song text]
first line: A merchant's daughter in New York [music notation] [song text] [Alex Clark] (contributor)
first line: There was a lady in the North [music notation] [song text]
first line: Once I was lady o bonnie Iler[?] side [music notation] [song text]
first line: Cam ye fae the Hielans, man [music notation] [song text]
incipit: 4 MS books [note] [Alan Jabbour] (author)

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