The James Madison Carpenter Collection Online Catalogue

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Item Summary

Disc side : Disc Side 306

Scope and Content Notes

Recordings on this disc side are copied from Cylinder 132 and Cylinder 130 .
See also Carpenter's index p. 00048.
'Excellent record'.

Intellectual Items

Glasgow Peggie [disc recording] Stephens (contributor)
Broomfield Hill [disc recording] Woman Singer (High Pitched Voice) (contributor)
Duke o Athole's Nurse [disc recording] Stephens (contributor)
Young Allan [disc recording] Stephens (contributor)
Hind Horn [disc recording] Stephens (contributor)
Bonnie Rantin Laddie [disc recording] Stephens (contributor)
Jolly Beggar [disc recording] Stephens (contributor)
Broom of the Cowden Knowes [disc recording] Stephens (contributor)
Baker of Milguy [disc recording] Stephens (contributor)
Lady Maisry [disc recording] Mrs Nightingale (contributor)
Lady Maisry [disc recording] Mr Nightingale (contributor)

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