The James Madison Carpenter Collection Online Catalogue

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Item Summary

Disc side : Disc Side 330

Scope and Content Notes

Recordings on this disc side are copied from Cylinder 138 and Cylinder 139.
See also Carpenter's index p. 00052.

Intellectual Items

Sir Patrick Spens (continued) [disc recording] Alex Robb (contributor)
Young Allan (repeated) [disc recording] Alex Robb (contributor)
Young Allan (again) [disc recording] Alex Robb (contributor)
Jellon Grame (repeated) [disc recording] Alex Robb (contributor)
Paer Man the Millert [disc recording] Miss Robb (contributor)
[Untitled item] [disc recording] Miss Robb (contributor)
The Baffled Knight [disc recording] Man Singer near Fyvie (contributor), Near Fyvie
Keech in Creel [disc recording] Man Singer near Fyvie (contributor), Near Fyvie
The Baffled Knight (repeated) [disc recording] Man Singer near Fyvie (contributor), Near Fyvie

©2003 - 2008 The University of Sheffield