The James Madison Carpenter Collection Online Catalogue

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Item Summary

Cylinder 135 : Miss Robb Miss Robb (contributor), Man (contributor), Peterhead

Scope and Content Notes

Title from Carpenter's index p. 04095. Attribution to Miss Robb uncertain apart from 'Kitchie Boy'.

Intellectual Items

Hind Horn [cylinder recording] P. Cruickshank (contributor), Man Singer (contributor), Near Lonmay
Lord Brichan [cylinder recording] P. Cruickshank (contributor), Man Singer (contributor), Near Lonmay
The Corncrake Among the Whinny Knowes [cylinder recording] Man Singer (contributor), Near Lonmay
The Lass of Glenshee [cylinder recording] Man Singer (contributor), Near Lonmay
The Merry Man to the King Joe [cylinder recording] Alex Robb (contributor)
Johnnie Sangster [cylinder recording] Alex Robb (contributor)
Wi His Auld Grey Beardie Newly Shaven [cylinder recording] Alex Robb (contributor)
Gin Ye Be for the Long Kail [cylinder recording] Alex Robb (contributor)
Mill and Mouter Free [cylinder recording] Alex Robb (contributor)
The Maiden and the Miller [cylinder recording] Alex Robb (contributor)
The Weel Fau'ered Lassie [cylinder recording] Alex Robb (contributor)
The Merry Man to the King Joe [cylinder recording] Elizabeth Robb (contributor)
Hairy Capie [cylinder recording] Elizabeth Robb (contributor)
Jennie Nettles [cylinder recording] Elizabeth Robb (contributor)
Wi His Auld Grey Beardie Newly Shaven [cylinder recording] Elizabeth Robb (contributor)
George Reilly [cylinder recording] Elizabeth Robb (contributor)
The Kitchie Boy [cylinder recording] Elizabeth Robb (contributor)
Fair Ellen [cylinder recording] Elizabeth Robb (contributor)
The Broom o the Cowdenknows [cylinder recording] Elizabeth Robb (contributor)
Lord Bateman [cylinder recording] John Cow (contributor), Singer below Peterhead (contributor), Peterhead
The Old Beggar Man [cylinder recording] John Cow (contributor), Singer below Peterhead (contributor), Peterhead
The Bonnie House of Airlie [cylinder recording] John Cow (contributor), Singer below Peterhead (contributor), Peterhead
Andrew Lammie [cylinder recording] John Cow (contributor), Singer below Peterhead (contributor), Peterhead
The Duke of Athole's Nurse [cylinder recording] Woman Singer (contributor)

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