The James Madison Carpenter Collection Online Catalogue

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Item Summary

Cylinder 139 : Robb / Sword Dance Robb (contributor)

Scope and Content Notes

Title from Carpenter's index p. 04099.

Intellectual Items

Paer Man the Millert [cylinder recording] Elizabeth Robb (contributor)
[?] [cylinder recording] Elizabeth Robb (contributor)
The Baffled Knight [cylinder recording] James Reid (contributor)
The Keach and the Creel [cylinder recording] James Reid (contributor)
The Lake of Coldfin [cylinder recording] John Strachan (contributor)
Low in the Lowlands [cylinder recording] John Strachan (contributor)
The Bonnie House of Airlie [cylinder recording] Earl of Airlie's Children (contributor)
Dreg Song[?] [cylinder recording] Mrs Good's Sister (contributor)
Sword Dance and Song[?] [cylinder recording] Singer near Border (contributor)
The Old Horse [cylinder recording] Man in Yorkshire (contributor), Yorkshire

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