The James Madison Carpenter Collection Online Catalogue

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Item Summary

Cylinder 140 : Robbs Robb (contributor), Woman (contributor), Olford

Scope and Content Notes

Title from Carpenter's index p. 04100.

Intellectual Items

The Young Squire's Wife[?] [cylinder recording] Elizabeth Robb (contributor)
The Kitchie Boy [cylinder recording] Elizabeth Robb (contributor)
The Heir of Lynn [cylinder recording] Elizabeth Robb (contributor)
The Battle of Harlaw [cylinder recording] Isaac Troup (contributor)
The Fair Flower of Northumberland fiddle tune [cylinder recording] Alex Campbell (contributor)
Binorie [cylinder recording] Mrs Goodall (contributor), Alford Woman (contributor), Alford
Andrew Lammie [cylinder recording] Mrs Goodall (contributor), Alford Woman (contributor), Alford
Where the Gadie Rins [cylinder recording] Mrs Goodall (contributor), Alford Woman (contributor), Alford
The Beggar's Dawtie [cylinder recording] Mrs Goodall (contributor), Alford Woman (contributor), Alford
Trooper and Maid [cylinder recording] Alex Campbell (contributor)
Trooper and Maid [cylinder recording] Hector Campbell (contributor)
Trooper and Maid [cylinder recording] Alex Campbell (contributor)
The Wee Cooper o Fife [cylinder recording] Hector Campbell (contributor)
The Keach in the Creel [cylinder recording] Alex Campbell (contributor)
Akin Drum [cylinder recording] Hector Campbell (contributor)
The Keach in the Creel [cylinder recording] Jean Campbell (contributor)
The Woods of Glentana [cylinder recording] Hector Campbell (contributor)
[?] [cylinder recording] [female?] (contributor)

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