The James Madison Carpenter Collection Online Catalogue

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Item Summary

Cylinder 080 : Peter Christie Peter Christie (contributor)

Scope and Content Notes

See Carpenter's index p. 04038.

Intellectual Items

Old King Cole [cylinder recording] Peter Christie (contributor)
Bonnie Lassie [cylinder recording] Peter Christie (contributor)
Mary McGee [cylinder recording] Peter Christie (contributor)
The Golden Vanity [cylinder recording] Peter Christie (contributor)
The Bonnie House of Airlie [cylinder recording] Black Jimmie Mason (contributor)
The Beggar Man [cylinder recording] First Singer in Stonehaven (contributor), Stonehaven
Fair Annie and Sweet Willie [cylinder recording] Peter Christie (contributor)
[?] [cylinder recording] [Peter Christie?] (contributor)
Saw Ye My Father [cylinder recording] Peter Christie (contributor)
[?] [cylinder recording] [Peter Christie?] (contributor)
The Iron Horse [cylinder recording] [Peter Christie?] (contributor)
[?] [cylinder recording] [Peter Christie?] (contributor)
A Wee Doch an Dorus [cylinder recording] [Peter Christie?] (contributor)
The Dowie Dens of Yarrow [cylinder recording] Woman Singer (contributor), Gourdon

©2003 - 2008 The University of Sheffield