The James Madison Carpenter Collection Online Catalogue

Item Display


Item Summary

Formatplay text
TitleEscrick Sword Dance
ContributorMrs R. Bowes
Index NameBowes, Mrs R.
ContributorMiss S. E. Hutton
ContributorMiss M. Hutton
ContributorMiss A. Hutton
Reference Code AFC 1972/001, MS pp. 02912- 02918

Scope and Content Notes

Genre play - sword play
First lineWith your leave, kind gentlemen

Includes several fragmentary notes on lines and on aspects of performance.
6 1/2 pages
Character List King Portus
Major Foxtails

Contextual Notes

'Learned from old sword dancers 50 years ago - never saw in print.

Item Summary

Formatsong text
Title[calling on song]
Reference Code AFC 1972/001, MS p. 02913

Scope and Content Notes

Genre song - song associated with play
First lineThe first that does enter is a noble brave man

6 stanzas

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