The James Madison Carpenter Collection Online Catalogue

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Item Summary

Formatsong text
TitleDouglas Tragedy
ContributorDavid Edwards
Index NameEdwards, David
Place84 High St, Cuminestown, Scotland
Reference Code AFC 1972/001, MS pp. 04645- 04646

Scope and Content Notes

Genre song - Child ballad
Lord William and Lady Margaret
First lineStand up, stand up, my seven sons so bold

14 stanzas
Type NumberChild 7, Earl Brand

Contextual Notes

Learned in Cornhill 50 to 60 years ago.

Related Items

Song TextThe Douglas Tragedy [song text] David Edwards (contributor), 84 High Street, Cuminestown, Scotland
Music NotationThe Douglas Tragedy [music notation] [song text] David Edwards (contributor)
Cylinder RecordingThe Douglas Tragedy [cylinder recording] David Edwards (contributor)
Disc RecordingThe Douglas Tragedy [disc recording] Edwards (contributor)
Disc RecordingThe Douglas Tragedy [disc recording] Edwards (contributor)

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