The James Madison Carpenter Collection Online Catalogue

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Item Summary

Formatsong text
TitleThe Heir o Linne
ContributorBell Robertson
Index NameRobertson, Bell
Source Document Gavin Greig Folk-Song of the North-East ( 1909-14 ) Bibliography
Reference Code AFC 1972/001, MS pp. 05160- 05163

Scope and Content Notes

Genre song - Child ballad
First lineYonder he stan's and yonder he gangs

Includes copy of Greig's note exonerating Peter Buchan from the charge of fabricating ballads.
20 stanzas
Type NumberChild 267, The Heir of Linne

Related Items

Song TextThe Heir o Linne [song text] Gavin Greig, Folk-Song of the North-East (1909-14) Bell Robertson (contributor)

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