The James Madison Carpenter Collection Online Catalogue

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Item Summary

Formatsong text
TitleHind Horn
ContributorPaul Curickshank
Index NameCruickshank, Paul
PlaceQuarryhill, Lonmay
Reference Code AFC 1972/001, MS pp. 05182- 05183

Scope and Content Notes

Genre song - Child ballad
First lineHey, oweren boun, love

Note at end reads 'Added stanzas from Mary McKinnon'.
12 stanzas
Type NumberChild 17, Hind Horn

Contextual Notes

From Mary McKinnon, St Fergus (5 miles this side of Peterhead; 70 years old), heard 35 years ago.

Related Items

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Cylinder RecordingHind Horn [cylinder recording] P. Cruickshank (contributor), Man Singer (contributor), Near Lonmay
Disc RecordingHind Horn [disc recording] Man Singer near Lonmay, Host (contributor), P. Cruickshank (contributor), Near Lonmay

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