The James Madison Carpenter Collection Online Catalogue

Item Display


Item Summary

Formatsong text
TitleRolling Home
ContributorJohn McPherson
Index NameMcPherson, John
Place24 Devonshire St, South Shields, [Co.] Durham
Reference Code AFC 1972/001, MS p. 00108

Scope and Content Notes

Genre song - forebitter
First lineCall all hands to man the capstan

3 stanzas

Contextual Notes

Contributor's first ship the Aristides, 1880.

Related Items

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Disc RecordingRolling Home (continued) [disc recording] John McPherson (contributor)
Disc RecordingRolling Home [disc recording] John McPherson (contributor)
Disc RecordingRolling Home (continued) [disc recording] John Mcpherson (contributor)

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