The James Madison Carpenter Collection Online Catalogue

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Item Summary

Formatplay text
TitleThe Mummers
ContributorWilliam Giles
Index Name Giles, William
PlaceEast Leach
Reference Code AFC 1972/001, MS pp. 02557- 02560

Scope and Content Notes

Genre play - hero combat play
First lineHere comes Old Father Christmas

Carpenter compares parts of the text with a) Yorkshire chapbook lines given in E. K. Chambers, The English Folk-Play, 1933 and b) Gwen John, 'The Derbyshire Mumming Play of St George ...', Folk-Lore, Vol. XXXII, 1921.
3 1/4 pages
Character List Father Christmas
St George
Black Prince of Paradise
King of Egypt

Contextual Notes

'Learned 60 years ago'. Original ms. at pp. 06341-06349.

Related Items

Play TextRimes [play text] Wm Giles (contributor), East Leach

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