The James Madison Carpenter Collection Online Catalogue

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Item Summary

Formatsong text
TitleBarbara Allen
ContributorThomas Bunting
Index NameBunting, Thomas
PlaceSherborne, by Burford
Reference Code AFC 1972/001, MS pp. 04400- 04401

Scope and Content Notes

Genre song - Child ballad
First lineIn Scarlet town where I was born

10 stanzas
Type NumberChild 84, Bonny Barbara Allan

Contextual Notes

'Learned from father, James Bunting, sixty years ago'.

Related Items

Song TextBonnie Barbara Allan [song text] Thomas Bunting (contributor), Sherborne, by Burford, England
Music NotationBonnie Barbara Allan [music notation] [song text] Thomas Bunting (contributor)
Cylinder RecordingBarbara Allen [cylinder recording], Near Stow on the Wold
Disc RecordingBarbara Allan [disc recording], Near Stow on the Wold

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