The James Madison Carpenter Collection Online Catalogue

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Item Summary

Formatsong text
TitleThe Bailie's Dochter of Islington
ContributorW. C. Cruickshank
Index NameCruickshank, W. C.
PlaceLonmay, Scotland
Reference Code AFC 1972/001, MS pp. 06456- 06457

Scope and Content Notes

Genre song - Child ballad
First lineThere was a youth and a weel beloved youth

11 stanzas
Type NumberChild 105, The Bailiff's Daughter of Islington

Contextual Notes

From Mrs Jesse Brown, 5 Royal Crescent, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Related Items

Song TextBailie's Dochter of Islington [song text] W. C. Cruickshank (contributor), Lonmay, Scotland
Music NotationThe Bailie's Dochter of Islington [music notation] [song text] W. C. Cruickshank (contributor)
Cylinder RecordingThe Bailiff's Daughter of Islington [cylinder recording] The Presenter (contributor), W. C. Cruickshank (contributor), Lonmay
Disc RecordingThe Maid of Islington [disc recording] The Presenter (contributor), [W. C. Cruickshank] (contributor), [Near Lonmay]

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