The James Madison Carpenter Collection Online Catalogue

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Item Summary

Formatplay text
TitleThe Padstow Version of the St George's or Mummer's Play
ContributorMr W. Brabyn
PersonCapt. W. Magor
PersonNat England
Reference Code AFC 1972/001, MS pp. 10565- 10582

Scope and Content Notes

Genre play - hero-combat play
First lineLadies and Gentlemen, we now come in

Character List Father Christmas
King of Egypt
St George
Turkish Knight
Prince Valentine
John Bull
Bloody Warrior
Bloody Liar
Napoleon Buonaparte
Tom Bowling
Father Neptune
Dramatis Personae Nat England
Frank Nance
Pages are double spreads from a notebook. Text apparently reconstructed from memory. Name of Mrs Oldham written in margin on p. 10571; similarly name of Hannah Clemow[?] on p. 10573; these may have been actors. Additional text at end from Thomas Hardy's version, and various notes on the text and songs. Also name of W. E. Nance as a source of information about the Dragon.
10 pages

Item Summary

Formatsong text
TitleHere am I, Sailor Boy
PersonTom Bowling
Reference Code AFC 1972/001, MS pp. 10575- 10576

Scope and Content Notes

Genre song - song associated with play

Goes to 'Sally in Our Alley' tune.
2 stanzas

Item Summary

Formatsong text
TitleTom Bowling
Reference Code AFC 1972/001, MS p. 10578

Scope and Content Notes

Genre song - song associated with play
First lineHere a sheer hulk lies poor Tom Bowling

1 line

Item Summary

Formatsong text
TitleOld Mrs Nipper Nopper
Reference Code AFC 1972/001, MS p. 10578

Scope and Content Notes

Genre song - song associated with play
Alternative titleThe Fox

Placing of the song in the play is uncertain.
title only

Related Items

Play TextSt George [play text] J. W. Hicks (contributor), Padstow, 9 February 1935

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