The James Madison Carpenter Collection Online Catalogue

Name Authority Record

Durward, Mrs T.

Proper Name:Durward, Mrs T. (p.08066)

Alternative Names:Mrs Jeanie Durward (p.03918)

Addresses:Viewfield, St Fergus (p.03918)

Notes:No address is given with any of the Mrs T. Durward entries but she has been equated with Mrs Jeanie Durward on the basis of repertoire. The address of Mrs Jeanie Durward is the same as T. Durward, again suggesting that Jeanie and Mrs T. Durward are one and the same person, and she was T. Durward's wife. (JCB)

Wife of T. Durward (p.05611). (JCB)

Songs learned from father, Geo Davidson (1831-1911), of Lammermuir. (p.03918)

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