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CP.G.1110 Defamation sexual slander / witchcraft 19/11/1563 — 12/2/1563
CP.G.3129 Defamation witchcraft 26/3/1586 — 18/4/1586
CP.G.2456 Defamation religious & witchcraft 6/5/1587 — 1/6/1587
CP.G.2564 Defamation witchcraft 29/5/1590 — 30/7/1590
CP.G.2647 Defamation witchcraft 15/7/1592 — 2/11/1592
DC.CP.1594/3 Defamation character / witchcraft 25/10/1594 — 25/10/1594
CP.H.841 Defamation witchcraft 21/1/1614 — 21/1/1614
CP.H.1296 Defamation witchcraft 7/11/1617 — 28/11/1617
CP.H.1327 Defamation witchcraft 12/6/1618 — 3/7/1618
CP.H.1475 Defamation witchcraft 12/10/1621 — 25/1/1622
CP.H.1505 Defamation witchcraft 12/4/1622 — 5/7/1622
CP.H.1506 Defamation witchcraft 17/5/1622 — 31/5/1622
CP.H.1504 Defamation witchcraft 31/5/1622 — 31/5/1622
CP.H.1734 Defamation sexual slander/witchcraft 15/7/1626 — 9/11/1626
CP.H.1961 Defamation witchcraft 31/5/1632 — 28/6/1632
CP.H.2102 Defamation witchcraft 3/11/1636 — 3/11/1636
CP.H.4965 Defamation sexual slander / witchcraft 26/9/1664 — 1/10/1664
CP.H.3335 Defamation witchcraft 30/5/1678 — 30/5/1678
CP.H.4995 Defamation sexual slander / witchcraft 1682 — 1682
CP.H.6009 Defamation sexual slander / witchcraft 9/11/1682 — 29/3/1683
CP.H.4978A Defamation sexual slander / witchcraft 9/11/1682 — 29/3/1683
CP.H.4987 Defamation sexual slander / witchcraft 9/11/1682 — 18/1/1682
CP.H.4987A Defamation sexual slander / witchcraft 9/11/1682 — 18/1/1682
CP.H.4978 Defamation sexual slander / witchcraft 17/11/1682 — 29/3/1683
CP.H.3610 Defamation sexual slander / witchcraft 22/8/1684 — 22/8/1684

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