CEELBAS Learning Centre

Match the Polish idioms with the English equivalents.

Read each question carefully and and select the right answers. When you have finished, click the button 'Mark Answers' at the bottom of the page to find out how well you have done.

Question 1

coś komuś chodzi po głowie

to be on sb’s mind a pipe dream to hang by a thread (a hair) sth with a human face
Question 2

marzenie ściętej głowy

to be on sb’s mind a pipe dream to be responsible for everything sth makes my hair stand on end
Question 3

śmiać się komuś prosto w twarz 


to bother sb to get sth out of one’s head sth with a human face laugh in sb’s face
Question 4

zawracać komuś głowę       


to be responsible for everything to bother sb to split hairs laugh in sb’s face
Question 5

wybić coś komuś z głowy 


sth makes my hair stand on end to bother sb to be on sb’s mind to get sth out of one’s head
Question 6

włos się komuś zjeżył        


sth makes my hair stand on end to be responsible for everything to get sth out of one’s head to split hairs
Question 7

coś z ludzką twarzą                                                                                          

to be on sb’s mind to split hairs sth with a human face to hang by a thread (a hair)
Question 8

dzielić włos na czworo                                                                                            

sth makes my hair stand on end to be responsible for everything to split hairs to get sth out of one’s head
Question 9

mieć cały dom na głowie                                                            

to be responsible for everything to be on sb’s mind a pipe dream to get sth out of one’s head
Question 10

zawisnąć na włosku                                                                                 

sth makes my hair stand on end to be responsible for everything to get sth out of one’s head to hang by a thread (a hair)
Supported by the following organisations:
Funded by CEELBAS: Centre for east European Language Based Area Studies * *
Developed by the School of Languages and Cultures and the Humanities Research Institute at The University of Sheffield