BL Add MS 7099 folio 60 ( Voucher ), 1499 [modernised text]
Printed, rather than written, this is a small strip of paper given a pencil number and inserted between pages

King Henry 7 coming into the Isle of Wight in the fourteenth year of his reign, honoured Dame
Joanna Bowerman then lady of the manor of Brook with a visit; and in acknowledgment of his entertainment,
not only left behind him a drinking-horn as a present, but gave her a warrant for a fat buck of
the season, to be yearly delivered out of his forest of Carisbrooke during her life: this warrant is dated at
Brook in August, the fourteenth year of Henry VII, and is now in the possession of the family of

Back. Appears not to be relevant

general survey, and had been part of the possessions of Earl Tosti it had been rated
at three hides, but then only at one: it contained six carucates of land, and was valued
£7. by annum. It was soon after in the possession of Sir Ralph of Mascarell who
gave the tithes of his demesnes at Brook to the abbey of Lyra
penes R. W. Bart cart. 55.
this grant is con-

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