E101/415/3 folio 178v ( Obligations ), 1499 [modernised text]
The final 'j' may be an insertion
and remaining
£ 25

Clerk 2
Hugh Burgeis of London is bound in
an obligation to pay at Candlemas next
coming as one of John Hays surties
l li

Clerk 1
Clerk 2
Sir Henry Medwall & William Arnold owe
by an obligation
x marks
Clerk 1
next day April year xv ‌

Clerk 1
Clerk 2
Sir Robert Clere Phelip Both William Jenney &
William Eyer are bound by 3 obligations
to pay at Ascensiontide next
£ 50
at Ascensiontide
with 12 month
£ 50
And at Ascensiontide after 50 marks for Hopton lands
CC marks

Clerk 1
Clerk 2
Thomas Dade John Dade Roger Dade &
John Hyll of Norfolk are bound in an obligation
to pay 10 marks at Hallowtide next coming
10 marks at midsummer after & 10 marks at
Hallowtide after that
xx li

Clerk 1
vacated because after folio xlij
Clerk 2
John Paulu
of Giglijs Thomas Guyneg &
Jherom Bonvix are bound in an obligation
to pay at midsummer next coming for as much
money to him lent
M ‌

Clerk 2
Busshop of london & Thomas blacksmith owe
by obligation
100 s
And shall owe by obligation
at Michaelmas next coming
100 s
x li

Clerk 1
Clerk 2
Sir Thomas Leighton is bound in an
obligation to pay at Hallowtide next
xx li
Clerk 1
30th day November year 16 ‌

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