BL Add MS 21481 folio 6r ( Payments ), 1509 [modernised text]
Sunday at Greenwich
Year first 10th day of June

Item for offering upon this Sunday
6 s
8 d

Item to Robert Byard riding with letters to Dame
Lady Lucy. Dame Mary Lady Darell and to the
Lady Matrevers for his costs
13 s
4 d

Item for a new book bought by John Porth for
certain of the King's jewels and plate. and for
the p
nces of Castiles jewels and plate
20 d

Item for a another new book bought by the said
John for the King's daily payments
3 s

Item for a another new book bought by the said
John for the King's receipts
18 d

Sunday at Greenwich 17th day of June year first Henry 8 ‌
Item for offering upon this Sunday
6 s
8 d

Item for the King's offering upon Monday saint
Barnabeis day at the King's marriage
10 s

Item for the Queen's offering the same day
10 s

Item to a courier that came outeof Spain
66 s
8 d

Item to Edmond Freman upon a warrant signed
for the conveyance of certain stuff to Berwick
£ 8

Item to Master upon a warrant signed for his wag

by the space of 19 weeks at
4 s
the week that
is to say from the 12 day of February year xxiiij ‌

of the king Henry 7th unto the 20 day of June year Henry
84 s
8 d

Item to Lewes of la Fava
£ 58
10 s
and Guydo
£ 53
20 d
upon a warrant signed for
certain pieces of cloth of gold bought of them
£ 111
11 s
8 d

Item to Cristofter smith and to a Carpenter
for mending of doors and locks at the
tower of London as more plainly may appear
by their bill of the same
£ 4
8 s
4 d

sum page 133 li 16 s 2 d

Henry King

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