BL Add MS 21481 folio 33v ( Payments ), 1510 [modernised text]
half years wag
due at midsummer year 2 ‌

to Sir Robert Corson knight for his half
years wag
£ 200

Item to Sir William Hales the King's loan singing
before o
Lady of Walsingham for his half years
100 s
and for the King's candle there
43 s
4 d
3 s
4 d

Item to Henry smith upon his warrant signed
towards the repairing of the chapel flower
at Richmond and making of a new buttry at
Greenwich a butcher at Deptford and removing of the keepers house there
£ 300

Item to the same Henry smith upon his warrant
signed in recompense for the King's stage at his
coronation at Westminster which was his fee
£ 10

Item to a man for carriage of the founte from
Greenwich to l for his costs
20 s

Item for the wag
of diverse Speris as it appears
by a book signed for 2 months that is to say
for the monethis of may and June
£ 443
4 s
8 d

Item to Robert Amadas upon a warrant signed
towards the charg
of goldsmith work upon
a hundreth jackets of the guard
£ 100

Item for offering upon Saturday saint Peter day
6 s
8 d

Sunday at the tower

Year 2 next day of June
for the King's offering upon this Sunday
6 s
8 d

Item to the Pag
of the hall for making of
the King's bonfire upon midsummer even in Re
10 s

sum page 1062 li 11 s 4 d

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