BL Add MS 21481 folio 34v ( Payments ), 1510 [modernised text]
Sunday at tower
Year 2 first day of July

for the King's offering upon this Sunday n
here because antea
Item to master Amner upon a warrant signet for the
professing of Edmond dela Pole his daughter
£ 13
6 s
8 d

Item to the Sheriffs of Coventry upon a warrant
signed for the Charg
of 8 p
from Coventry
to London
£ 6
13 s
4 d

Item to Hugh Denis upon his warrant signed
towards the repairing of certain buildings at the
King's manor of Wanstead
£ 20

Item to Gyles Capell upon a warrant signed for a
spear and for his 2 months wag
£ 10
3 s
4 d

Item to Richard smith upon a warrant signed in full
payment for thembrowdring of a hundreth jackets
for the King's guard
£ 10

Item to the Porter of the tower of London upon a warrant
signed for certain repairs done upon the lions
tower there
£ 6
10 s
8 d

Item for a Carte that caryed the jackets of the
guard from the tower of London to Windsor
3 s
6 d

Item to Lewes dela Fava upon a book signed for
certain plate bought of the same Lewez
£ 472
19 s
10 d

Item to Edward Guildford upon his warrant signed
£ 165
2 s
2 d

Item for the King's offering at king Henry at his
coming to Windsor
6 s
8 d

Item for the King's offering to saint George there
6 s
8 d

Sunday at Windsor

Year 2 8th day of July
for offering upon this Sunday saint Thomas day
6 s
8 d

Item to Doctor Fissher that brought an halowed Rose
from the popes holynes. for his reward in gold
£ 100

Item for offering to o
Lady at Etton College
6 s
8 d

Item for offering at the high aulter there
6 s
8 d

sum page 806 li 12 s 10 d

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