BL Add MS 21481 folio 51r ( Payments ), 1511 [modernised text]
Henry King

to Jacques Maryn and John Le Sharshir jewellers
of Paris upon their warrant signed for certain
jewels of him bought by the King's grace
£ 345
8 s
2 d

Item to masters Philip upon a warrant Signed
for a frynge of gold for the king
£ 19
8 d

Sunday at M

Year 2 19th day of January
for offering upon this Sunday at Sir Robert Cotto
6 s
8 d

Item for the King's offering at o
Lady of Walsingham
20 s

Item for the King's offering at high aulter there
6 s
8 d

Item for offering upon Thursday at mass there
6 s
8 d

Item to John Power Riding with a letter to my Lord
of Winchester for his costs
13 s
4 d

Sunday at Sir Robert Cottons.

Year 2 26th day of January
for the King's offering upon this Sunday
6 s
8 d

Item to Compton servant of the chamber for caring
of two does to the Queen for his costs
10 s

Item to Lewes of la Fava upon a warrant of
1000 crowns at
4 s
2 d
the piece . which were
delivered to Richard Jernyngham
beyond the se
which amounts to sterling English to the
sum of
£ 208
6 s
8 d

Item to Richard falconer mast
cannoner upon a
warrant signed for Gonpowder
71 s

Item to John Whitington upon a warrant signed
£ 20

Item to Charles Florence. Peter Corsy. Guydo
Portenary & Francis
upon a warrant
£ 744
4 s
2 d

sum page
£ 1344
8 d

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