BL Add MS 21481 folio 59v ( Payments ), 1511 [modernised text]

for the King's offering upon Saturday at mass
of Requiem for his father Late king Henry the
13 s
8 d

Sunday at Greenwich

Year i 2nd 11th day May
for the King's offering upon this Sunday
6 s
8 d

Item to John of Sycell. and John of Fournes trumpets
going to the king of Aragon with the Lord Darcy for
3 months wag
after the Rate of
16 d
the day
the piece . that is to say May June & July
£ 12

Item to the Bowyers of London upon a warrant signed
in full payment of
£ 400
for the making
of 10000 bows for the king at the tower of London
£ 50

Item to the same Bowers for the making of
14 bows at
8 d
the piece making
9 s
4 d

Item to Anne Jernyngh
m upon a warrant signed
for her half years wag
due at Easter last past
100 s

Sunday at Greenwich

Year i 2nd 18th day May
for the King's offering upon this Sunday
6 s
8 d

Item to one Maxemylean a courier that co
from Brugges in reward
40 s

Sunday at Greenwich

Year i 2nd 25 day May
for the King's offering upon this Sunday
6 s
8 d

Item to John Willoughby & John Russhe upon a
warrant signed upon loan for the mending of
the see banks abouts Hull
£ 66
13 s
4 d

Item for the wag
of the King's spears of hono

for the month of April last passed
£ 245
10 s

Item to one Brikelles that brought 2 Coursers
to the king from the duches of Savoy in Reward
£ 40

Item for offering upon Thursday Ascension day
6 s
8 d

sum page
£ 423
6 s

Henry King

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