BL Add MS 21481 folio 65r ( Payments ), 1511 [modernised text]
Sunday at Windsor
Year i 2nd 20th day of July

for offering upon this Sunday
6 s
8 d

Item to Henry smith clerk of the King's works
upon a warrant signed to be employed towards the
new making of a Stable at Greenwich a watch
house at the tower of London. repairs at the castle
of Nottingham setting vppe of a new house in
Sunninghill park repair of the manor of the great
park of Windsor & palyng of the park there /.
£ 300

Item to Barnard Floure upon a warrant signed
in full payment for glasyng of the hall and other
offices within the manor of Oking
£ 21
15 s
1 d

Item to master Andreas the King's Secretary
in Laten for a reward
40 s

Item to a mariner that came from the king
of Denmark w
letters to the king in reward
20 s

Item for the King's offering at king Henry
6 s

8 d
and at saint George at his departing
from Windsor
13 s
4 d

Item to Richard falconer upon a warrant signed
in full payment of 5 last of gonnpowder by him
made for the town of Berwick
£ 16
13 s
4 d

Item for offering upon Friday saint Jamys day
6 s
8 d

Item for offering upon Saturday saint Anne day
6 s
8 d

Sunday at Sir Nicolas Vaux place

Year 3 ‌
27th day of July
for the King's offering upon this Sunday
6 s
8 d

Item to Knolles gentleman usher for the King's offering
at highaulter at his coming to Northampton
6 s
8 d

Item to M
Egerton for the King's offering at o

Lady at Missenden abbey
6 s
8 d

Item to the fraternity of o
Lady and Saint Du
in the West in London for one whole year ended
at festum s
i Petri advinc
la next
40 s

sum page
£ 346
21 d

Henry King

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