BL Add MS 21481 folio 75v ( Payments ), 1511 [modernised text]
Saturday saint Nicolas day
Year i 2nd 6th day December

for the King's offering upon this saint Nicolas day
6 s
8 d

Item to saint Nicolas bishop in reward
£ 6
13 s
4 d

Item to Antony Neyle upon a warrant signed for
200 soldiers of the company of Sir Francis Cheny
100 Souldeers of the company of Sir John Digby 100 Souldyers
of the company of Hugh Shurley. 100 Souldyers
of the company of Sir Mathew brown which
be Reto
ned from Guylderland for the wag
of 5
days. and for the conduit of them homwarde
of the Company of the said Sir Francis Cheynye
Sir John Digby and Hugh Shurley
7 s
for every
Souldyer./ and every Souldyer of the company of
Sir Mathew brown to have
3 s
which amounts
to the sum of
£ 155

Item to Richard smith upon a bill for his board wag

12 d
the day for 23 days that is to say from
the 3rd day of November unto the last day of the same
23 s

Item to Doctor Fayrffax upon a warrant for the
board of William Alderson and Arthur Lovekyn
the King's scholars after the Rate of
2 s
by the week
104 s
and for their lernyng
53 s
4 d
for one whole
year ended at saint Nicolas day last passed
£ 7
17 s
4 d

Item to Roy for a Cheyn of gold weighing 98
vnces which the King's g
ce bough of him for
£ 199

Sunday at Greenwich

Year i 2nd 7th day December
for the King's offering upon this Sunday
6 s
8 d

Item to Henry Shurbo
ne upon a warrant signed in Re
£ 45
3 s
4 d

Item for offering upon Monday o
Lady day
6 s
8 d

Sunday at Greenwich

Year i 2nd 14th day November
for the King's offering upon this Sunday
6 s
8 d

Item to Croughton going to London 2 times
for the ambassadors in the night for his costs
2 s

Item for the wag
of the King's Speires of hono

for the month of November last
£ 267

Item to Thomas Tiler Rid
to Knoll to my Lord of Canterbury
2 s

sum page
£ 683
7 s
8 d

Henry King

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