BL Add MS 21481 folio 92r ( Payments ), 1512 [modernised text]
Sunday at Greenwich
Year 4th first day May

for offering upon Saturday Philip & Jacob day
6 s
8 d

Item for the King's offering upon this Sunday
6 s
8 d

Item to the ambassador of the king of Aragons in Re
£ 66
13 s
4 d

Item to Francis Knyf. Antony Etfeld. John Strut
and Thomas Garden
. trumppett
of warr upon a
warrant for their 3 months wag
that is to say
May. June and July aft
the Rate of
16 d
the day
a piece . which 3 Trumppett
are appointed to
give attendance upon my Lord Marquis over the se
£ 24

Item to two men of York that brought a spy
out of York to the king to Greenwich in Reward
20 s

Item to Sebastyan Tabot for making of a Carde of
Gascoigne and Guyon in reward
26 s
8 d

Item to John Colenson servant of the Leishe for his whole
years wag
due unto him at May day last passed
40 s

Item for offering upon Monday Holy Rode day
6 s
8 d

Item to Antony Newport upon a warrant upon
a loan to be repaid by obligation
£ 50

Item to Nicolas Morland one of the King's officers
going with the King's ordinances over the see
£ 6
13 s
4 d

Item delivered and paid upon a warrant to Robert
Amadas upon saint Kateryn day last passed to
the embroiderers towards the furnishing of 100 jackets
over and besides paid to the aforesaid Robert
Amadas upon the same warrant for goldsmith
works of the same 100 jackets . which was forgotten
and not then entered
£ 50

Item to John Melton upon a warrant in loan upon
2 obligations and 1 indenture of Thomas
of Bren
in Lancaster
£ 100
£ 40
to be repaid at sant
James tyde next coming
£ 20
at Candlemas
next after. &
£ 40
at saint James day after
£ 100

sum page 302 li 13 s 4 d

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