BL Add MS 21481 folio 97v ( Payments ), 1512 [modernised text]

to Nicolas Jacson going by water to Sandwich
and so fourth to Portsmouth by the space
of 5 days at
2 s
the day
10 s

Sunday at Greenwich

Year 4th 11th day of July
for the King's offering upon this Sunday
6 s
8 d

Item to the mast
of the sovereign in reward
66 s
8 d

Item for the wag
of the yeomen of the Chamber
for the month of June last past
£ 117
10 s
6 d

Item to Mortymer upon a warrant towards the embroidering
of diverse decorative fabrics for the King's new galary
£ 20

Item to Richard Pynson upon a warrant signed for
prentyng of diverse books concerning certain statutes
and ordinances for the King's army late over the see
100 s

Item delivered to Richard Jernyngh
m by the King's commandment
2500 crowns received of Sir Edward
Hawarde. & Sir Thomas Bollayn at
4 s
4 d

le piece
£ 531
In groats
£ 60
& in nobles
83 li 16 s 8 d
£ 677
16 s
20 d

Item to Richmond herald at arms for certain
costs and charg
which he have susteyned in
giving his attendance upon Sir Robert Wyngfyld
by yonder the see
£ 13
6 s
8 d

Item delivered to Roger Benbowe & other Cop
with him for the ship called the Jamys of Hull
upon a warrant Signed
£ 260

Item to Sir Robert Corson knight upon a warrant
upon loan to be repaid by obligation
£ 300

Item to Henry smith clerk of the King's works upon
a warrant towards the building of the manor of Dytton
setting vppe of a stable at Greenwich and other certain
repairs in diverse places
£ 300

Item to Henry Pyckman the King's bower upon a
warrant for certain bows for the King's use
73 s
4 d

Item to a servant of my Lord Marquis that come
from him to the king in reward
£ 10

sum page
£ 1710
15 s
6 d

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