BL Add MS 21481 folio 170r ( Payments ), 1514 [modernised text]

for the ffeis of the commissioners in the marchs
of Wales for a q
of a year from midsummer to Michaelmas
last past
£ 55
16 s
8 d
and for the ffeis of certain
knights and squires for half a year from o
lady day
to Michaelmas last past
£ 50
16 s
8 d
by the hands of Humfrey
Madeley in all
£ 106
13 s
4 d

Item to Sir Wystan brown upon a bill of Sir John Sharp
his hand for a chain of gold which the
King's grace bought of the said Sir Wystan
£ 133
6 s
8 d

Item to Doctor Atwater upon a warrant upon
a loan to be repaid by obligation
£ 600

Item to Walter Forster upon a warrant to be by him
employed abouts the King's works at Eltham and
Greenwich and other necessaries.
£ 200

Item to Richard smith of London Taillor upon a warrant
for diverse timbers of Sabulles
£ 239
10 s

Item to the duke of Suffolk upon a warrant for certain
horses & other things p
vided by him for the king
£ 78
2 s
2 d

Sunday at Eltham.

Year 6 29th day of October
for the King's offering upon this Sunday
6 s
8 d

Item to Nicolas Maior the King's Sadler & other
upon a warrant for saddles and other diverse persons
for certain stuff made & p
vided by the Duke of Suffolk
£ 537
18 s
8 d

Item to Hans drumslade Bartholomew Peter & Michell
Duche for their wag
aforehand beginning the
27 day of October & ending the 23 day of November
next coming
112 s

Item for the wag
of the yeomen of the chamber upon
their book signed a 13th day Sept
until 13 day of October
£ 181
17 s
8 d

Item to Richard smith upon a bill for his costs at Londo

& his servant abouts the King's business for 28 dais
of the month of September last past at
12 d

the day
28 s

sum page n

Item to Leonarde Friscobald upon a warrant for D li

delivered to my Lord Marquis in France and also
£ 300
delivered there to Sir John Peche
£ 800

sum page 2884 li 15 s 2 d

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