BL Add MS 21481 folio 177r ( Payments ), 1515 [modernised text]

to William Harryotte in reward
40 s

Item to one that brought the King's grace a doublet
of crimson Satten embroidered w
gold in Re
20 s

Item to Wynnesbury Lord of misrule in Re
40 s

Item to Cristofer Rochester in reward
40 s

Item to William Gower in reward
40 s

Item to John Dyngley in reward
40 s

Item to Richard smith in reward
40 s

Item to James Worsley in reward
40 s

Item to John Copynger in reward
40 s

Item to Maluesey in reward
40 s

Item to a scholar of Oxford in reward
20 s

Item to the King's Bowyer in reward
20 s

Item to a man and a woman that brought 6
white Capons in reward
13 s
4 d

Item to the blind Poyett in reward
100 s

Item to a woman that bare 2 children at one burden
in reward
20 s

Item to a woman for arrow hedd
in reward
10 s

Item to Sir John Peche servant in reward
20 s

Item to the Earl of Wiltshire players that should
have played in the King's hall oppon thursday
at night in reward
13 s
4 d

Item to my la
y of Shrewsbury servant in Re
20 s

Item to the King's old players in reward
£ 4

Item to Thomas Palm
servant in reward
40 s

Item to Richard smith for his costs and his
servant being at London abouts the King's business
by the space of 26 days at
12 d
day. sum
26 s

Item to Sir Thomas Bryan by the King's commandment
for a man that mended the clock in the
chapel within the King's manor of Eltham
6 s
8 d

sum page 38 li 9 s 4 d

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