BL Add MS 21481 folio 180r ( Payments ), 1515 [modernised text]
Sunday at Greenwich
Year 6 11th day February

for the King's offering upon this Sunday
6 s
8 d

Item to Hans drumslade. Bartholomew drumslade
Michell Duche drumslade and Bastyan drumslade
every of them at
12 d
the day for one month wag

beginning the 17 day of February and ending the
16 day of march next coming
112 s

Item to Henry smith upon a warrant towards
the building of the castle gate at Windsor the
making of the new wharf at Oking & other
£ 400

Item to John Cavelcant upon a warrant for as much
money made by exchange and sent to Sir Robert
Wyngefelde the King's ambassador to the emperor
for the expenses and diott
of the same Sir Robert
£ 200

Item to the commissioners in the marchs of Wales
for their diott
for one half a year that is to say
from Candlemas last passed to Lammas next comi
£ 260
And for their feis for a quarter of a year
ended at Christmas last past
£ 55
16 s
8 d
for their foren expenses for one half a year from
Christmas last past to midsummer next coming
£ 33
6 s
8 d
3 s
4 d

Item to William Courteney Richard a Cornwall
and George Throgmerton the King's spears upon
a warrant for their month wag
of November
last passed every of them at
3 s
4 d
the day
£ 15

Sunday at Greenwich

Year 6 18th day February
for the King's offering upon this Sunday
6 s
8 d

Item to Jacob drumslade. Richard Rutter and
Bartholomew drumslade. for their month wag

beforehand every of them at
12 d
the day beginning
x 16th day February and ending the 26
day of march next coming
£ 4
4 s

Item for the wag
of the yeomen of the chamber
upon their book signed for the month of January
last passed
£ 223
10 s
10 d

sum page 1196 li 3 s 6 d

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