BL Add MS 21481 folio 185v ( Payments ), 1515 [modernised text]
Sunday Easter day at Richmond
Year 6 7th day April

for the King's offering upon this Sunday Easter day
13 s
4 d

Item for offering at Resurrection in the morning
6 s
8 d

Item for the King's offering at his Holy Communion
6 s
8 d

Item to the heralds at arms for their largess
100 s

Item to the cooks of the King's kitchen in Re
£ 6
13 s
4 d

Item to the Porters of the King's gate in Re
53 s
4 d

Item to the officers of the scullery in Re
20 s

Item for offering upon Monday in Easter week
6 s
8 d

Item to Richard smith yeoman of the Robes
upon a bill for his costs w
his servant at London
abouts the King's business for 24 days in
the month of march last past at
12 d
the day
24 s

Item to Robert Amadas goldsmith upon a book
signed for making of diverse things for the Fre
Queen & other things bought of him
£ 102
14 s

4 d
m to William Holland for making of certain
£ 19
15 s
9 d
and to John Twiselton
for curved rings & other things
£ 78
4 s
14 s
1 d

Item for offering upon Tuesday in Easter week
6 s
8 d

Item to the P
sedent of Roone in reward 133
li 6 s 8 d. and to monsieur of Guysen
£ 100
two the French King's ambassadors
£ 233
6 s
8 d

Item for offering upon Wednesday in Easter week
6 s
8 d

Item to Hans drumslade Michel drumslade Bartholomew
drumslade & Bastyan drumslade every
of them at
12 d
the day for a month wag

aforehand at 28 dais in the month beginning
the 13 day of April last past & ending
the 10 day of May next coming
112 s

Sunday at Richmond

Year 6 13th day April
for the King's offering upon this Sunday
6 s
8 d

Item to John Hopton clerk Comptroller of the
King's ships for his half years fee after the
Rate of 50 marks by the year ending at this May
day next coming
£ 16
13 s
4 d

sum page 475 li 10 s 1 d

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