BL Add MS 21481 folio 216v ( Payments ), 1516 [modernised text]
Paulme Sunday
Year 7th 15th day March

for the King's offering upon this Sunday
6 s
8 d

Item to Doctor brige s that preached upon this day
20 s

Item to Sir William Compton knight upon a warrant
which the king gave to the foreigners that
came from thempro
D crowns at
4 s
3 d
£ 106
5 s

Item for carriage of certain money from Westminster
to Greenwich this 16 day of march
12 d

Item to Richard Rutter & Jacob drumslades for there
month wag
beginning the 21 day of
march & ending the
day of April next
56 s

Item to John bilberry upon a warrant for brode
cloth & keyrses by him p
vided & bought for
the aapparelling of certain armourers Almaignes
which work & make certain harness for the
King's grace
£ 10
17 s
6 d

Item to Thencheme
for to take there rights
20 s

Item to Peter Fever armourer upon a warrant
for workmanship & making of certain pieces of
harness for the King's own use as also for sundry
parcels of stuff for the same.
£ 35
16 s
8 d

good Friday

for offering upon this good Friday
20 s

Item to Doctor Collet that preached this day
20 s

Item to 26 poor men at the King's Maundy
yche of them having
2 s
2 d
in all
56 s
4 d

Item delt in alms to poor Pepill at the King's
dole upon this good Friday in groats &
£ 90
10 s

Item for 3 dosyn purses for the Maundy
12 d

Sunday Easter day.

anno vij ‌
for the King's offering upon this Sunday
13 s
4 d

Item for the King's offering at the Resurrection
6 s
8 d

Item for the King's offering at his Holy Communion
6 s
8 d

Item to the heralds at arms for the largess
100 s

Item for the cooks of the King's kitchen
£ 6
13 s
4 d

Item to the porters of the King's gate
53 s
4 d

Item to nullers of the King's scullery
20 s

sum page 270 li 3 s 6 d

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