BL Add MS 21481 folio 225v ( Payments ), 1516 [modernised text]
Sunday at Greenwich
Year 8 first day of June

for the King's offering upon this Sunday
6 s
8 d

Item to John Basshe child of the Lease upon a
warrant by the King's reward towards his marage.
£ 6
13 s
4 d

Item for carriage of certain money from Westminster
to the tower of London & from thensse to Greenwich
2 s
4 d

Item to Richard smith upon a bill for his costs at
London abouts the King's besynes there by the
space of 26 days in the month of May at
12 d
xxvj s

Item to the Scottish bishop ambassador out
of Scotland upon a warrant by the King's Reward
£ 66
13 s
4 d

Item paid by the same warrant to the French ambassador
that come out of Scotland w
the said
ambassadors by way of the King's reward
£ 66
13 s
4 d

Item paid by the same warrant to one Sir William
Scott knight a another of the Scottysshe ambassadors
by way of the King's reward
£ 40

Item paid by the same warrant to an other of
the said ambassadors of Scotland one Sir Dougles
by way of the King's reward
£ 40

Item to lion king of heralds of Scotland upon
the same warrant that came w
the said ambassadors
£ 6
13 s
4 d

Item to Hans. Bartholomew & Bastian dru

for their month wag
at 28 dais in the
month beginning 7th day of June & finient
day of July
£ 4
4 s

Item to the Lord Darcy upon a warrant upon a
loan which is to be repaid by obligation
£ 400

Item delivered to Sir William Compton knight
upon a warrant for the King's own use
£ 2000

Item for the King's offering upon Thursday at the Lord Willoughby
his marriage 5th day of June
6 s
8 d

Sunday at Greenwich

Year 8 ‌
. 8 day of June
for the King's offering upon this Sunday
6 s
8 d

Item to Clarencieux king at arms going into
Scotland for his costs for 40 dais at
6 s
8 d
the day
beginning 9th day of June upon a warrant
£ 13
6 s
8 d

sum page 2646 li 12 s 4 d

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