E36/216 folio 126v ( Payments ), 1521 [modernised text]
Scribe 3
palm Sunday at Greenwich
for the King's offering this Sunday
6 s
8 d

Item for the King's daily alms this week
37 s
11 d

Item to Doctor Rawlens that preached this day
20 s

Item to Richard Hayberne upon a warrant for his wages at
12 d
the day for 14 days in march
14 s
and also for April and May next 61 days at
12 d
the day which the king have avaunced unto him aforehand as appears by the same warrant in all 75 days
75 s

Monday our lady day
for the King's offering this day
6 s
8 d

Item to Laurence Eglisfeld for standing of the rich tunics of the guard in the standerd
for 8 weeks at
8 d
the week S
a Third day February until vltimu
day March prox
at 7 days in the week
5 s
4 d

Item for boat hire w
certain money from Westminster to Greenwich
12 d

good Friday at Greenwich
for the King's offering this day
20 s

Item to the Dean of Sar
that preached this day
20 s

Item to the henchmen for to take there rights this Easter
20 s

Item to 31 poor men at the King's maundy upon Sherthursday every of them at
2 s
7 d
the piece in all
£ 4
1 d

Item for 3 dossen purses for the same Maundy
12 d

Item Delte in alms this good Friday at the King's Dole to poor people in groats
£ 15
And in
£ 115
in all
£ 130

Sunday Easter day at Greenwich
for the King's offering this Easter day at Resurrection
6 s
8 d

Item for offering at taking of the King's rights
6 s
8 d

Item for offering upon Easter day at high mass
13 s
4 d

Item to tharold
at arms for there largess
100 s

Item to the porters at the King's gate
53 s
4 d

Item to the cooks in the King's kitchen
£ 6
13 s
4 d

Item to nullers of the King's scullery
20 s

sum pagin
£ 161
7 s
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