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The Cistercians in Yorkshire title graphic

The Cistercians through medieval eyes: seculars on the Cistercians


Stained glass window showing Henry Murdac surrounded by White Monks
© Dean & Chapter of York Minster
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Stained glass window of Henry Murdac

 The black monks … have acquired in our days certain new imitators who profess the same rule and - more fervent in spirit - add thereto some stricter ordinances of their own. These men we call white or grey monks … The white monks wear the woven wool just as the sheep did, innocent of any dye, and though they taunt the black monks for their lambskins, they themselves are provided in equally good measure with numbers of comfortable habits, such as would become costly scarlet for the delight of kings and princes if they were not snatched from the dyer’s hands.
[Walter Map, archdeacon and satirist, writing in the late twelfth century.(8)]

There is a highly tested school of religion, the highest use of modesty, regularity of ways, feeling of fraternity, peace of soul, communion of all men, mutual complaisance, vigour of discipline, love of obedience, bond of turnal watches, quiet of meditation and devotion of psalmody.
[Peter of Blois, archdeacon of Bath and London.(9)]

What they may have purposed or promised in the bud, I know not: but whatever the promise was, such a fruit has followed that makes you fear the tree.
[Walter Map, archdeacon and satirist.(10)]

'... that perfect rule of Cistercian life which is now the marvel of almost the whole church.'
[Thurstan, archbishop of York (11)]
