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The Cistercians in Yorkshire title graphic

QuizWomen as benefactors



Grant to the queen of England, granting entry to Cistercian houses
© Public Record Office
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Grant to the queen of England, granting entry to Cistercian houses

Whilst women supported the Cistercian life by granting lands and rights, they were sometimes the very cause of opposition. A number of land disputes arose from disagreement over rights of dower, such as the case in 1202 between Robert of Kirkham and his wife, Albredam, and the abbot of Rievaulx over a messuage in Holmsile, which was held by Richard Tradesalt. The abbot was not always able to deal with every case in person, and on this occasion he was represented by his monk, Thomas. (10)

A second example is the case in 1208 between Gilbert of Sauteby’s wife, Emma, and Abbot Warin of Rievaulx, concerning the third part of two bovates of land in Sheriff Hutton which Emma claimed as dower. This was resolved when Emma agreed to renounce her rights here to the abbot and his successors in return for a payment of 10s sterling.(11)

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