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Court Roll 1482-83

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DD/YAR/C/1/60 Conisbrough manorial court roll, 22 Edward IV, 1 Edward V and Richard III [1482-83]

[folio 1 recto] Conisbrough [Connesburgh] Great Court held there 9th October in the 22 year of king Edward IV

BailiffBailiff. The agent of the lord of a manor, who collects his rents, etc.

fines for suit of court 15s 10d Henry Lord le Scrope 3s 4d heirs of John Souche knight 3s 4d heirs of Thomas Clarell 2s heirs of Robert Fitzwilliam 8d John Power 12d heirs of John Totehill 12d heirs of Hugh Seward 12d William Asshehirst 6d Robert Inkirsell 6d Margaret Dynygton 6d heirs of John Bossewell 6d John Woderove esquire 6d and Margaret Marssheburgh 12d who owe suit to this court three-weekly have made fines with the lord for suit to be remitted until Michaelmas next unless anything should happen on account of which their presence should be necessary and opportune and the fines of these persons are acknowledged by the steward namely each of them separately as assessed above their names etc.

FineFine. A fee (as distinguished from the rent) paid by the tenant or vassal to the landlord on some alteration of the tenancy, as on the transfer or alienation of the tenant-right, etc. A fee or charge paid for any privilege.

s for respite of service 8s 10d
Henry Lord le Scrope 3s 4d heirs of John Souche knight 3s 4d John Sandford esquire 6d John Wombewell esquire 12d and heirs of Hugh Seward 8d made fines with the lord for respite of homage and services until Michaelmas next following namely each of them is separately amerced

Total of this court 24s 8d And all upon the BailiffBailiff. The agent of the lord of a manor, who collects his rents, etc.

of the fee

Election of Officials BailiffBailiff. The agent of the lord of a manor, who collects his rents, etc.

Richard Bosewell remains in the office of bailiff of the fee as in the last year

Conisbrough [Connesburgh] Alan Wythes elected grave this year and sworn

Braithwell Joan Shepperd elected grave this year and she puts in her place Robert Justice received and sworn

Clifton [Clyfton] William Amory elected grave he puts Thomas Amory in his place

Conisbrough [Connesburgh] tourn held there 9th October in the year abovesaid [1482]

BailiffBailiff. The agent of the lord of a manor, who collects his rents, etc.

Panel for the tourn
InquisitionInquisition. A legal or judicial inquiry to ascertain or decide a matter of fact, made by a jury in a civil or criminal case.

taken for the tourn on the oath of John Power Henry Westeby Robert Inkirsell Thomas West Thomas Marsshe Richard Mapuls John Strey Thomas Castelford Thomas Shaghe John Waite Thomas Walkeden and William Ryssheworth sworn Who say on their oath that the township of etc.

Cusworth [Cusseworth] nil John Birkyn constable and others present Walter Shilton as constable this year sworn

Sandall amercements 6d Thomas Fulwodd constable and others Robert Hunter 4d not attending tourn amerced Wife of Nicholas Dyconson 2d brewing beer against assize amerced PenaltyPenalty. An act liable to punishment, a penal offence.

enjoined on Henry Rawson to cleanse a common water-course next to a close called [blank] before the next tourn penalty 12d William Brande constable this year

Dinnington [Dynyngton] nil The constable presents nothing

Bramley amercement 2d Thomas Hogheland constable and others present William Symson’s wife 2d brewing against assize William Hunter constable this year

Dalton amercement 4d John Roides constable and others present John Denell [or] Devell has neglected a penalty enjoined on him at the last tourn in that he has not repaired the highway there So he incurs the penalty namely 4d

penalty enjoined It is enjoined on all tenants and inhabitants there to cause their enclosures to be repaired before the feast of All Saints next under penalty of each part 4d John Tagg constable there

[Gressebrooke] John Hill constable and others present John Hoile 4d and Richard Beece 4d not attending the tourn amerced The wives of William Ryssheworth 2d and William Hoggeson 2d brewing against assize Nicholas Ridyng constable there this year

Harthill amercements 3s 2d Richard Goodelad constable and others present Henry Wodhus 4d Richard Spenser 4d Robert Rogger 4d and Thomas Dolle 4d not attending tourne amerced Edward Wardalff 2d and the wives of John Harward 2d and John Whitehead 2d baking and selling bread against the assize amerced Wife of Richard Harward 2d brewing against the assize Richard Bottomley 2d and John Dawes 2d butchering and selling meat amerced Roger Wodruff on 8th August [1482] at Harthill by force of arms made an assault on William Belgh And at the same time drew blood from him against the King’s peace So he is amerced William Wodhous 4d on 20th July [1482] at Harthill assaulted William Smith against the peace of the lord the king amerced William Haresand constable there this year

Laughton in the Morthen [Morthyng] nil Peter Thornton constable and others present John Bynny constable this year

Ravenfield [Rayvenfeld] nil John Hill constable and others present [blank] Johnson constable this year

Aston nil Stephen Palton constable and others present John Clay constable this year

Barnburgh amercements 8d Richard Bug constable and others present Henry Wyng [or Uttung] 4d not attending tourn amerced The wives of Robert Smyth 2d and Richard Foster 2d brewing against the assize Richard Bug elected constable

Warmsworth [Warmesworth] nil Richard Sturmyn constable and others present Richard Sturmyn elected constable this year and sworn

Hoyland [Hogheland] nil Richard Lum constable and others present Hugh Whitelegh elected constable this year

Braithwell amercements 6d Edward Haworth constable and others present the wives of John Belgh 2d and John Hyne 2d brewing against assize Alice Strete 2d baking bread against assize Robert Justice elected constable this year

Conisbrough [Connesburgh] amercements 2s John Wright constable and others present Robert Nicholson 4d not attending the tourn amerced The wives of Robert Bakehous 2d and Thomas Barcroft 2d Margaret Sykes 2d John Taillour 2d and John Blomer 2d brewing beer against the assize The wives of William Bellerd 2d John Taillour 2d and John Blomer 2d baking bread against the assize John Taillour 4d on a certain day and year made an affray on John Swetyng against the peace, so he is amerced Richard Edmondson elected constable there this year

nil PresentPresent. To bring or lay before a court, magistrate, or person in authority, for consideration or trial; to make presentment of.

ed by the great InquisitionInquisition. A legal or judicial inquiry to ascertain or decide a matter of fact, made by a jury in a civil or criminal case.

that they know of nothing to be said at the present Total of this tourn 8s. 4d. And all upon the BailiffBailiff. The agent of the lord of a manor, who collects his rents, etc.

of the fee

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