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About the Author

Name Life Dates Gender Class
Kenrick, William 1729/30-1779 male unknown
Place of Birth Occupation Occupation Description
London, Middlesex, England Miscellaneous, Writing playwright, poet, author, critic, translator


"By William Kenrick, LL.D." (title-page)
"Writer and translator, was the son of Robert Kenerick, staymaker, of Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, and his wife, Mary (1708/9–1789). A member of a Baptist family, Kenrick attended probably either Philip James's Baptist school or Thomas Squire's Quaker school. Apprenticed in 1745 to Thomas Bennett, a mathematical instrument maker in London, Kenrick abandoned his apprenticeship after three years, in favour of a career in literature."
Career as writer, reviewer and translator.  Writer of satires and periodicals.  
(Source: ODNB)

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