ECEP Database :: Authors

Eighteenth-Century English Phonology Database

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About the Author

Name Life Dates Gender Class
Scott, William 1750-1804 male unknown
Place of Birth Occupation Occupation Description
unknown_Sc, unknown_Sc, Scotland Education elocutionist, teacher of English, teacher or geography, teacher of elocution


'Teacher of Elocution and Geography in Edinburgh' (Michael 1970:580); and 'Teacher of the English Language and Geography in Edinburgh' (1792: title page). 'Teacher of English reading, and compiler of Lessons in Elocution, &c.' (1786: title page)
We have tentatively assigned the origin of this author to Scotland following Sundby et al.'s (1991:15) classification of this item as a Scottish source. Since we have been unable to find further supportive evidence, this should be referred to as [Scotland]. [NYB: comments made by the author in the preface to his dictionary also suggest that he was from Scotland.]
Koerner (2008) and ECCO give William Scott (1750-1804).

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